- 白粘土和濃密的泡沫使皮膚感覺清新
潔面爽膚後,用附贈的抹刀取適量本產品塗抹在面部。等待 20-30 分鐘後清潔乾淨。
- 雙重功效 [提亮 + 抗皺]
- 優效玫瑰水眼膜,有助於撫平細紋和提亮眼周
潔面爽膚後,用附贈的抹刀取適量本產品塗抹在面部。等待 20-30 分鐘後清潔乾淨。
- 潔面後使用爽膚水提亮膚色。
- 打開面膜袋後,取出面膜,均勻地敷在臉上。
- 10-20 分鐘後扔掉面膜,輕輕拍打面部,幫助皮膚吸收剩餘精華。
- 保濕
一張安瓶面膜內含一瓶 cica 水化精華。
- 平衡皮膚的酸鹼度和健康[低酸鹼度為 5.5 (±0.5)]
- 使用含高保濕精華的超細纖維面膜布,精准貼合肌膚。
- 含 10% 通過使用“Vege Live 技術”獲得的 Cica Live™ 水提取物
- 潔面後使用爽膚水提亮膚色。
- 打開面膜袋後,取出面膜,均勻地敷在臉上。
- 10-20 分鐘後扔掉面膜,輕輕拍打面部,幫助皮膚吸收剩餘精華。
Gently apply the product all over your dry face except for your eye areas after cleansing. Then, wash it off with lukewarm water after 5 to 10 minutes.
- Skin-Firming & Relaxing Care Black Tea Wash-Off Mask Pack
It is a soothing wash-off mask sheet known for its cooling and moisturizing effect that soothes your tired skin. It contains the black tea extract perfect for delivering nutrients to your skin as well as for keeping your skin soft and fair.
Gently apply the product all over your dry face except for your eye areas after cleansing. Then, wash it off with lukewarm water after 5 to 10 minutes.
- 日常解決方案
- 超。深入肌膚技術
- 只使用當地種植的黑米
- 95% 天然成分
- 已完成皮膚刺激測試
- 黑米發酵產物和竹筍
- 超。深入肌膚技術
- 12,000 ppm 稻提取物
- 6,000 ppm 南竹筍樹皮提取物
- 只使用當地種植的黑米
- 95% 天然成分
- 已完成皮膚刺激測試
- 超。深入肌膚技術
- 1,000 ppm 毛金竹葉提取物
- 2000 ppm 南竹筍樹皮提取物
- 800 ppm 龍頭竹筍提取物
- 只使用潭陽當地種植的紫竹
- 95% 天然成分
- 已完成皮膚刺激測試
- 發酵黑竹及竹筍
- 日常解決方案
- 超。深入肌膚技術
- 500 ppm 毛金竹葉提取物
- 2000 ppm 龍頭竹筍提取物
- 2000 ppm 南竹筍樹皮提取物
- 只使用潭陽當地種植的紫竹
- 95% 天然成分
- 已完成皮膚刺激測試
- 日常解決方案
- 超。深入肌膚技術
- 10,000 ppm 稻提取物
- 2000 ppm 南竹筍樹皮提取物
- 2,000 ppm 透明質酸
- 只使用當地種植的黑米
- 95% 天然成分
- 已完成皮膚刺激測試
優勢 - 有助於撫平皺紋。
主要優效成分 - 腺苷酸。
- 超。深入肌膚技術
- 2000 ppm 稻提取物
- 2000 ppm 南竹筍樹皮提取物
- 600 ppm 透明質酸
- 只使用當地種植的黑米
- 95% 天然成分
- 已完成皮膚刺激測試
- 日常解決方案
- 超。深入肌膚技術
- 2,400 ppm 稻提取物
- 6,000 ppm 南竹筍樹皮提取物
- 100 ppm 透明質酸
- 只使用當地種植的黑米
- 95% 天然成分
- 已完成皮膚刺激測試
- 黑米發酵產物和竹筍
- 超。深入肌膚技術
- 只使用當地種植的黑米
- 95% 天然成分
- 已完成皮膚刺激測試
- 日常解決方案
- 超。深入肌膚技術
- 只使用當地種植的黑米
- 95% 天然成分
- 已完成皮膚刺激測試
擠少量到您的手心或清潔棉上,加水起泡。像使用肥皂一樣摩擦到肌膚上,並保持(30 - 60 秒)。用水沖洗並拍乾或自然晾乾。還可用於丘疹緩解,無需沖洗。只需直接塗抹於患處,保持一整夜。然後第二天早晨洗面。
- 疏通毛孔
- 調理肌膚
- 消除丘疹
- 阻止痘痘
- 保證快速見效
- 100% 全天然
- 使用山葵、綠茶、非洲黑皂對抗痘痘
- 不導致肌膚乾燥
- 適用於痘痘&酒渣鼻
- 無油配方
- 適用於臉部和身體
- 適合所有膚質
擠少量到您的手心或清潔棉上,加水起泡。像使用肥皂一樣摩擦到肌膚上,並保持(30 - 60 秒)。用水沖洗並拍乾或自然晾乾。還可用於丘疹緩解,無需沖洗。只需直接塗抹於患處,保持一整夜。然後第二天早晨洗面。
- 含活性炭
- 火山灰和超級減緩氧化物巴西莓和枸杞
- 低致敏性
- 經過皮膚科專家測試
- 生態時尚技術
- 完美適合所有皮膚類型
- 經過醫學測試
- 無致粉刺性(不會堵塞毛孔)
- 未經動物測試
你需要這種深度清體的面膜,來讓肌膚保持極佳狀態,火山灰吸收污染物,活性炭將極深層的雜質吸到肌膚表面,以幫助清體。超級減緩氧化物巴西莓和枸杞深入肌膚,幫助優化肌膚外觀,讓面膜體驗變得完整。pH 平衡,適合所有膚質。
Apply 3-4 drops onto clean, dry skin twice a day, morning and night. Can be used alone or under moisturizer. If product gets in eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.
- Moisturizes
- Refreshes
- Softens
- Recommended for All Skin Types
- Cruelty Free
- 100% Vegetarian Ingredients
- No Animal Testing
- Globally Sourced Materials
Hydrate, nourish and soften skin with this refreshing serum infused with the natural touch of rose. Reveals a radiant, dewy and luminous glow for a beautiful and healthy-looking complexion. Can be used day or night.
Apply 3-4 drops onto clean, dry skin twice a day, morning and night. Can be used alone or under moisturizer. If product gets in eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.
- 注入 Volulip™
- 瞬間豐盈
- 長期功效
- 90% 的人見到豐盈的雙唇*
- 97% 的人表示雙唇感覺水嫩*
- 無刺痛
*基於 30 名被試的消費者研究。結果會有所不同。
- 注入 Volulip™
- 瞬間豐盈
- 長期功效
- 90% 的人見到豐盈的雙唇*
- 97% 的人表示雙唇感覺水嫩*
- 無刺痛
*基於 30 名被試的消費者研究。結果會有所不同。
使用前,通過將針頭浸泡在乙醇中 5 分鐘,對微針進行殺菌,然後晾乾。徹底清潔肌膚,然後拍乾。用輕微壓力,將微針在所需區域上來回滾動 4-5 次,然後換方向重複。接著使用隨附的透明質酸面部精華。
微針處理後 24 小時內請勿化妝。為獲得更好的效果,請每兩周使用一次。
透明質酸:使用面霜前,在清潔後的面部和頸部塗抹 2-3 滴。
- 隨滾輪滾動
- 純素食
- 顯微操作針
- 透明質酸精華液,10 毫升
Grace&Stella 微針 Derma 滾輪採用了滾輪技術製造,通過特大限度減少瘢痕線紋、痤瘡疤痕、膚色不均和結痂,幫助優化您的皮膚健康。滾輪由 540 根 0.25 毫米的細針製成,幾乎沒有疼痛感,讓您的皮膚感覺棒極了!
使用前,通過將針頭浸泡在乙醇中 5 分鐘,對微針進行殺菌,然後晾乾。徹底清潔肌膚,然後拍乾。用輕微壓力,將微針在所需區域上來回滾動 4-5 次,然後換方向重複。接著使用隨附的透明質酸面部精華。
微針處理後 24 小時內請勿化妝。為獲得更好的效果,請每兩周使用一次。
透明質酸:使用面霜前,在清潔後的面部和頸部塗抹 2-3 滴。
- 黑頭讓人不爽,但除黑頭很爽
- 1 把彎曲鑷子/1 把雙環粉刺去除器
不要用髒手指去摳和擠青春痘和黑頭,應該採用專業的方式 - 在家裡 - 用 Grace & Stella 的去黑頭工具包。有了這兩種工具,就能更容易在更大限度地減少疤痕的同時去除更深的黑頭和白頭。
- 在清潔過的臉上,塗上您喜歡的精華素或面部油。
- 從下巴開始,使用較大的一側,然後向上、向外朝耳朵滾動。
- 在眼睛和眼眶骨周圍,使用較小一側。(貼士:將臉部滾軸冷藏,可獲得更好的抗浮腫效果。)
- 如果願意,可繼續按摩。每天早晚滾動,以獲得更好效果。
- 解除毒素並減少浮腫
- “這朵玫瑰不帶刺”
- 在清潔過的臉上,塗上您喜歡的精華素或面部油。
- 從下巴開始,使用較大的一側,然後向上、向外朝耳朵滾動。
- 在眼睛和眼眶骨周圍,使用較小一側。(貼士:將臉部滾軸冷藏,可獲得更好的抗浮腫效果。)
- 如果願意,可繼續按摩。每天早晚滾動,以獲得更好效果。
- Apply Jojoba Oil or your favorite facial oil all over your face using the free silicone pad or your fingers.
- Gently squeeze small cups and stick on temple, brow bone and lips. Use circle motion on temple. Use stick and release motion on brow bone and lips. Repeat a 3-4 times
- Gently squeeze larger cups and stick cheek bones, forehead, neck and jaw bone using a upwards and circular motion. Repeat a 3-4 times.
- 我不需要修復。我只需要拔火罐
- 按摩和緊致
- 7 件套/10 毫升霍霍巴油
- 零殘忍
- 純素食
準備好看起來像剛做過填充整形了嗎?使肌膚組織充盈,並優化臉部的血液迴圈,從而舒緩細紋和皺紋的出現。Grace & Stella 的安心有效按摩杯套裝能促進膠原蛋白生成和加強柔軟度,同時縮小毛孔、減少浮腫、黑眼圈和痤瘡。
- Apply Jojoba Oil or your favorite facial oil all over your face using the free silicone pad or your fingers.
- Gently squeeze small cups and stick on temple, brow bone and lips. Use circle motion on temple. Use stick and release motion on brow bone and lips. Repeat a 3-4 times
- Gently squeeze larger cups and stick cheek bones, forehead, neck and jaw bone using a upwards and circular motion. Repeat a 3-4 times.
Care: Wash cups with soap and water after each use.
Note: Always keep the cups moving otherwise you will bruise. It is normal for your face to turn red due to the increased blood circulation. Test cups on arm first to understand the suction of the cup.
Short Bristle Brush - For face. To help remove makeup and dirt while exfoliating the skin. We recommend applying a dime-sized amount of your favorite cleanser onto the brush.
Make-Up Sponge - For face.To apply makeup or face lotions and serums.
Massager - For face. To massage face and stimulate blood circulation for a healthy glow. We recommend using this after applying your face lotion.
Long Bristle Brush - For face. For a more gentle way to remove makeup and dirt while exfoliating the skin. Use in the same way as you would with the short bristle brush head.
Latex Soft Sponge - For face and body. To gently cleanse face without too much exfoliation. Apply a dime-sized amount of your favorite cleanser onto the brush.
Polishing - For feet. To gently scrub off minor dead skin. Use on wet feet.
Pumice Stone - For feet. To slough off stubborn calluses. Use on wet feet.
- 當您認為自己的臉很乾淨時,需要的就是我
- 緊湊且防水
使用 Grace &Stella 的 7 合 1 面部按摩器和潔面乳,可立即去除死皮和頑固的化妝品。僅僅通過變換刷頭,便可按摩並刺激面部血液流動。7 種不同的刷頭可以滿足你所有的皮膚需求。
內含:1 個面部旋轉刷和 7 個不同的面部旋轉刷頭:磨光刷、短鬃毛刷、長鬃毛刷、化妝綿、乳膠軟海綿、按摩器和浮石。
需要 2 節 AA 電池。不含電池。
耐水和需要電池供電(需要 2 節 AA 電池,不提供電池)。
有 7 個不同的刷頭,可滿足任何皮膚需求。
Short Bristle Brush - For face. To help remove makeup and dirt while exfoliating the skin. We recommend applying a dime-sized amount of your favorite cleanser onto the brush.
Make-Up Sponge - For face.To apply makeup or face lotions and serums.
Massager - For face. To massage face and stimulate blood circulation for a healthy glow. We recommend using this after applying your face lotion.
Long Bristle Brush - For face. For a more gentle way to remove makeup and dirt while exfoliating the skin. Use in the same way as you would with the short bristle brush head.
Latex Soft Sponge - For face and body. To gently cleanse face without too much exfoliation. Apply a dime-sized amount of your favorite cleanser onto the brush.
Polishing - For feet. To gently scrub off minor dead skin. Use on wet feet.
Pumice Stone - For feet. To slough off stubborn calluses. Use on wet feet.
- 高效 - 天然成分 - 適合所有人
- 提亮
- 維生素 C
- 帶熱+冷水眼罩
- 有助於:鼻竇痛、頭痛、眼睛疲勞、嗜睡
- “噓,快睡吧...
- 非常適合乾眼症/過敏、頭痛/鼻竇炎、眼睛浮腫
- 簡單易用:易於冷凍或微波加熱
- 可重複使用且無毒
- 不含乳膠、不含BPA、不含鄰苯二甲酸酯
- 非常適合旅行、冥想、瑜伽、放鬆
- 也可以用於頭部、背部、頸部、肩膀、小腿、手臂、腕部、背部、肘部、膝蓋、腳踝
- 全有機
- 未經動物試驗
- 不含對羥基苯甲酸酯
冷用:在冰箱中保存 10 到15 分鐘,先在手腕內側測試眼膜的涼爽程度,然後敷到眼睛上。
- 就像您眼睛的能量飲品
- 零殘忍
- 不含硫酸鹽
- 不含防腐劑
- 純素食
飽受黑眼圈、眼袋、細紋和眼周疲勞的困擾?使用 Grace&Stella 抗皺 + 活力眼罩,讓您的眼睛充滿活力,就像剛睡了 8 小時一樣!眼膜中的膠原蛋白和礦物質能使眼周嬌嫩的區域重新煥發活力,讓您看起來更精神,更具青春活力。試試我們的死海泥漿面膜,享受漂亮的家庭 SPA 護理。
有 12 對或 24 對獨立包裝的水凝膠眼貼可供選擇。
透明質酸 - 超級保濕的抗氧劑,修復肌膚,鎖住水分。
- 黑頭讓人不爽,但除黑頭很爽。
- 不含防腐劑
- 零殘忍
- 純素食
如果感覺到凹凸不平或看到黑頭,您需要嘗試 Grace&Stella 的去黑頭面膜,讓您的皮膚看上去更光滑。使用這款有趣的面膜可一舉祛除黑頭,然後可能會對揭下的面膜感到驚訝,上面都是從臉上祛除的髒東西!
Apply 3-4 drops onto clean, dry skin twice a day, morning and night. Can be used alone or under moisturizer. If product gets in eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.
- 天然加強
- 注入能量
- 修復精神
- 適合所有膚質
- 始於 1979 年,家族所有並經營
- 零殘忍
- 全素食成分
- 無動物試驗
- 原料購自全球
天然促進、啟動、修復肌膚,其中維生素 C 的抗氧特性有助於滋養和保護皮膚,使其不受環境污染的影響。修復皮膚的舒服柔順,實現光彩照人、健康誘人的膚色。可早晚使用。
Apply 3-4 drops onto clean, dry skin twice a day, morning and night. Can be used alone or under moisturizer. If product gets in eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.
- 高效 - 天然成分 - 適合所有人
- 提亮
- 含薄荷葉碎
- Eco Chic 身體護理
- Eco Chic 技術
功能:清涼薄荷檸檬水鹽磨砂膏散發著淡淡的芬芳,是振奮身體的去角質劑,可拋光皮膚表面,去除細胞碎片。芳香濃郁的配方中含 Giovanni Eco Chic Technology 特有混合物。多麼令人陶醉的體驗。感覺。清新。
- 含活性炭、火山灰和超級減緩氧化劑巴西莓和枸杞
- 低致敏性
- 經過皮膚科專家測試
- 生態時尚技術
- 非常適合所有的皮膚類型
- 生態時尚皮膚護理
- 經過醫學測試
- 無致粉刺性(不會堵塞毛孔)
- 100%素食/未經動物試驗
- 元素之美是大街上的時尚
您需要此溫和的去角質磨砂膏來幫助您的皮膚,並且它是 純淨和可解除毒素的。火山灰去除污染物而活性 炭吸收雜質,並且能夠清潔皮膚而不會引起過度的乾燥。超級減緩氧化劑巴西莓和枸杞能夠優化皮膚的外觀,讓 您的臉部更加豐盈、光滑。pH平衡,推薦用於所有的皮膚類型。
Apply 3-4 drops onto clean, dry skin twice a day, morning and night. Can be used alone or under moisturizer. If product gets in eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.
- Balances
- Moisturizes
- Smoothes
- Recommended for All Skin Types
- Cruelty Free
- 100% Vegetarian Ingredients
- No Animal Testing
- Globally Sourced Materials
Rejuvenate, balance and hydrate skin with this natural oil blend that empowers skin’s resilience and reveals a radiant glow for a beautiful and healthy-looking complexion. Can be used day or night.
Apply 3-4 drops onto clean, dry skin twice a day, morning and night. Can be used alone or under moisturizer. If product gets in eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.
For use: For eyelashes. Each evening, apply a small amount of ointment onto the applicator brush and gently apply to the lashes and lash line. Leave on overnight for intense nourishment.
For eyebrows. Each evening place a small amount of onto your fingertip and apply to clean brows in the direction of the hair growth. Leave on overnight.
The key to getting great results with Godefroy Double Lash & Brow
Be patient. Natural ingredients can take time to be fully effective. Inconsistent use can inhibit results. Double Lash & Brow must be applied nightly for at least 30 days. Noticeable results should be seen after two weeks. Best results are usually obtainable after 4 to 6 weeks. Once you have achieved your desired results, continue to apply 2 to 3 times per week.
- With Organic, Cold Pressed Castor Oil
- Get Longer, Thicker Lashes & Brows...Naturally
- Treatment for Thinning and Sparse Lashes & Brows
- Double Lash & brow ointment, 1 fl. oz / 3 ml
- 1 Applicator brush
Double Lash & Brow is a 6-week treatment that combines organic Castor Oil and plant extracts to provide intense nourishment to thinning lashes and brows. Rich in Omega 6 fatty acids, castor oil has the unique ability to penetrate deeply into the air and skin encouraging growth and thickness. It can also give your lashes and brows a richer, darker color. Used nightly and applied directly to the lashes and brows, visible results should be noticeable in 2 to 3 weeks.
For use: For eyelashes. Each evening, apply a small amount of ointment onto the applicator brush and gently apply to the lashes and lash line. Leave on overnight for intense nourishment.
For eyebrows. Each evening place a small amount of onto your fingertip and apply to clean brows in the direction of the hair growth. Leave on overnight.
The key to getting great results with Godefroy Double Lash & Brow
Be patient. Natural ingredients can take time to be fully effective. Inconsistent use can inhibit results. Double Lash & Brow must be applied nightly for at least 30 days. Noticeable results should be seen after two weeks. Best results are usually obtainable after 4 to 6 weeks. Once you have achieved your desired results, continue to apply 2 to 3 times per week.
Helpful hints before you get started.
- Remove contact lenses.
- Use a lighted, magnified mirror.
- Keep a box of tissues or cotton swabs handy on work area.
- Place an old towel or newspaper on work area to prevent accidental staining.
- If you have trouble applying cosmetics, have a friend help you.
Perform allergy test 24 hours before using this product.
If using single application packets, squeeze a small amount of solution No 1 onto the end of the applicator stick and apply to the inside of your arm. Do the same with solution No 2 and apply over the same spot as solution No 1. Let stand one minute and wipe clean. Place both foil packets back into zip lock bag and store in a cool, dry place. Wait 24 hours. If no visible sings of irritation is visible. If using multi application tubes, remove cap on solution No 1 Cream Colorant and use the cap to pierce the protective film on the tube. Follow the same instructions as above.
Follow the same instructions as above.
Tinting the Eyelashes with 28 Day Mascara (can also be used to tint eyebrows).
1. Very important. For best results, wash lashes thoroughly with a mild soap and warm water, or use an oil free makeup remover. Let dry before tinting.
2. It is best to tint one eye at a time. Apply a thin coat of petroleum jelly under the eye area and apply enclosed eye shields. Make sure eye shields are placed directly below the lower eyelashes. This will prevent staining.
3. If using single application packets, remove the work station card and squeeze the entire contents of solution No 1 and No 2 onto the marked circles. Do not mix. If using multi application tubes, remove cap of solution No 1 Cream Colorant and pierce the protective film on front end of tube.
4. Apply solution No 1 onto the lashes with enclosed applicator on a downward motion towards the eye shield. Let stand a few seconds. Do not remove color.
5. Wipe applicator stick clean and apply solution No 2 over solution No 1. Be sure to coat each eyelash hair thoroughly including ends and corners of the eyelashes. Let stand one minute.
6. Remove color with a damp tissue by wiping downward towards the eye shield. Wash lashes with water to remove any residue. The tinting process is now complete.
Tinting the Eyebrows
1. Apply petroleum jelly around the eye area to prevent accidental staining. Be careful not to get any on the eyebrows.
2. Follow directions 4-6 for tinting the eyelashes.
- 4 Weeks of Rich, Vibrant Eyelash Color
- Great for Eyebrows Too
- Clinically Proven Safe to Use On and Around The Eye Area
25 Application Kit Contains:
- 1 - .10 fl. oz / 3ml cream colorant
- 1 - .10 fl. oz / 3 ml gel activator
- 50 - Applicator shields
- 1 - Reusable applicator stick
- Instruction sheet
Godefroy 28 Day Mascara is a non-toxic formula that contains no coal tar dyes or hydrogen peroxide. This fast acting, gentle formula does not damage the lashes and delivers rich, long-lasting color for up to 4 weeks. Can also be used to tint eyebrows and for quick touch ups around hairline.
Helpful hints before you get started.
- Remove contact lenses.
- Use a lighted, magnified mirror.
- Keep a box of tissues or cotton swabs handy on work area.
- Place an old towel or newspaper on work area to prevent accidental staining.
- If you have trouble applying cosmetics, have a friend help you.
Perform allergy test 24 hours before using this product.
If using single application packets, squeeze a small amount of solution No 1 onto the end of the applicator stick and apply to the inside of your arm. Do the same with solution No 2 and apply over the same spot as solution No 1. Let stand one minute and wipe clean. Place both foil packets back into zip lock bag and store in a cool, dry place. Wait 24 hours. If no visible sings of irritation is visible. If using multi application tubes, remove cap on solution No 1 Cream Colorant and use the cap to pierce the protective film on the tube. Follow the same instructions as above.
Follow the same instructions as above.
Tinting the Eyelashes with 28 Day Mascara (can also be used to tint eyebrows).
1. Very important. For best results, wash lashes thoroughly with a mild soap and warm water, or use an oil free makeup remover. Let dry before tinting.
2. It is best to tint one eye at a time. Apply a thin coat of petroleum jelly under the eye area and apply enclosed eye shields. Make sure eye shields are placed directly below the lower eyelashes. This will prevent staining.
3. If using single application packets, remove the work station card and squeeze the entire contents of solution No 1 and No 2 onto the marked circles. Do not mix. If using multi application tubes, remove cap of solution No 1 Cream Colorant and pierce the protective film on front end of tube.
4. Apply solution No 1 onto the lashes with enclosed applicator on a downward motion towards the eye shield. Let stand a few seconds. Do not remove color.
5. Wipe applicator stick clean and apply solution No 2 over solution No 1. Be sure to coat each eyelash hair thoroughly including ends and corners of the eyelashes. Let stand one minute.
6. Remove color with a damp tissue by wiping downward towards the eye shield. Wash lashes with water to remove any residue. The tinting process is now complete.
Tinting the Eyebrows
1. Apply petroleum jelly around the eye area to prevent accidental staining. Be careful not to get any on the eyebrows.
2. Follow directions 4-6 for tinting the eyelashes.
Helpful hints before you get started
- Use a lighted, magnified mirror.
- Keep a box of tissues or cotton swabs handy.
- Place an old towel or newspaper on work area to prevent staining.
Perform an allergy test for 48 hours before applying.
Squeeze a small amount of Solution No.1 onto the end of the application stick and apply to the inside of your arm. Do the same with Solution No.2 and apply directly on top of solution No.1. Let stand 2 minutes and wipe clean. Close and secure packets with paper clip and place back in zip lock bag. Wait 48 hours. If no visible signs of irritation occur, proceed with tinting the eyebrows. Do not use this product if irritation is visible.
Tinting the Eyebrows
Preparing the brows
- Very Important. For best results, wash eyebrows with a mild soap and water, or use an oil free makeup remover. Let dry before tinting.
- To protect the skin from accidental staining, apply a thin coat of petroleum jelly around the eyebrow. Be careful not to get any on the eyebrows, this could inhibit coloring process.
- Remove work station card and squeeze entire contents of Solution No 1 and No 2 onto the marked circles. Do not mix.
- It is best to tint one eyebrow at a time, allowing the color to process completely before starting the second eyebrow. Using enclosed applicator stick, apply solution No 1 onto the eyebrow. Let stand for 2 minutes. Gently blot dry with a tissue before proceeding to the next step.
- Wipe applicator stick clean and apply Solution No 2 directly to the eyebrow. Let stand one minute and wipe clean with a damp tissue or cotton ball. Remove any color that may have gotten onto the skin with a damp tissue.
Helpful hint. For slightly darker, longer lasting results, reapply remaining mixture and repeat the process.
- Great Results In Less Than 2 Minutes
- 4 Weeks of Rich, Vibrant Eyebrow Color!
- Clinically Tested
- 3 Application Kit
- Natural Dyes - Plant Extracts
Contents Contain:
- 3 Each .03 fl oz. / 1 ml Cream Colorant
- 3 Each .03 fl oz. / 1 ml Gel Activator
- 1 Applicator Stick
- 3 Work station cards
- Instruction Manual
Permanent Eyebrow Tint Kit
Godefroy Instant Eyebrow Tint is a non-toxic formula that contains no hydrogen peroxide or synthetic dyes. Formulated with plant extracts, this fast acting formula delivers rich and long lasting color for up to 4 weeks. Covers the most resistant gray hair 100%.
Helpful hints before you get started
- Use a lighted, magnified mirror.
- Keep a box of tissues or cotton swabs handy.
- Place an old towel or newspaper on work area to prevent staining.
Perform an allergy test for 48 hours before applying.
Squeeze a small amount of Solution No.1 onto the end of the application stick and apply to the inside of your arm. Do the same with Solution No.2 and apply directly on top of solution No.1. Let stand 2 minutes and wipe clean. Close and secure packets with paper clip and place back in zip lock bag. Wait 48 hours. If no visible signs of irritation occur, proceed with tinting the eyebrows. Do not use this product if irritation is visible.
Tinting the Eyebrows
Preparing the brows
- Very Important. For best results, wash eyebrows with a mild soap and water, or use an oil free makeup remover. Let dry before tinting.
- To protect the skin from accidental staining, apply a thin coat of petroleum jelly around the eyebrow. Be careful not to get any on the eyebrows, this could inhibit coloring process.
- Remove work station card and squeeze entire contents of Solution No 1 and No 2 onto the marked circles. Do not mix.
- It is best to tint one eyebrow at a time, allowing the color to process completely before starting the second eyebrow. Using enclosed applicator stick, apply solution No 1 onto the eyebrow. Let stand for 2 minutes. Gently blot dry with a tissue before proceeding to the next step.
- Wipe applicator stick clean and apply Solution No 2 directly to the eyebrow. Let stand one minute and wipe clean with a damp tissue or cotton ball. Remove any color that may have gotten onto the skin with a damp tissue.
Helpful hint. For slightly darker, longer lasting results, reapply remaining mixture and repeat the process.
Helpful hints before you get started
- Use a lighted, magnified mirror.
- Keep a box of tissues or cotton swabs handy.
- Place an old towel or newspaper on work area to prevent staining.
Perform an allergy test for 48 hours before applying.
Squeeze a small amount of Solution No.1 onto the end of the application stick and apply to the inside of your arm. Do the same with Solution No.2 and apply directly on top of solution No.1. Let stand 2 minutes and wipe clean. Close and secure packets with paper clip and place back in zip lock bag. Wait 48 hours. If no visible signs of irritation occur, proceed with tinting the eyebrows. Do not use this product if irritation is visible.
Tinting the Eyebrows
Preparing the brows
- Very Important. For best results, wash eyebrows with a mild soap and water, or use an oil free makeup remover. Let dry before tinting.
- To protect the skin from accidental staining, apply a thin coat of petroleum jelly around the eyebrow. Be careful not to get any on the eyebrows, this could inhibit coloring process.
- Remove work station card and squeeze entire contents of Solution No 1 and No 2 onto the marked circles. Do not mix.
- It is best to tint one eyebrow at a time, allowing the color to process completely before starting the second eyebrow. Using enclosed applicator stick, apply solution No 1 onto the eyebrow. Let stand for 2 minutes. Gently blot dry with a tissue before proceeding to the next step.
- Wipe applicator stick clean and apply Solution No 2 directly to the eyebrow. Let stand one minute and wipe clean with a damp tissue or cotton ball. Remove any color that may have gotten onto the skin with a damp tissue.
Helpful hint. For slightly darker, longer lasting results, reapply remaining mixture and repeat the process.
- Great Results In Less Than 2 Minutes
- 4 Weeks of Rich, Vibrant Eyebrow Color!
- Clinically Tested
- 3 Application Kit
- Natural Dyes - Plant Extracts
Contents Contain:
- 3 Each .03 fl oz. / 1 ml Cream Colorant
- 3 Each .03 fl oz. / 1 ml Gel Activator
- 1 Applicator Stick
- 3 Work station cards
- Instruction Manual
Permanent Eyebrow Tint Kit
Godefroy Instant Eyebrow Tint is a non-toxic formula that contains no hydrogen peroxide or synthetic dyes. Formulated with plant extracts, this fast acting formula delivers rich and long lasting color for up to 4 weeks. Covers the most resistant gray hair 100%.
Helpful hints before you get started
- Use a lighted, magnified mirror.
- Keep a box of tissues or cotton swabs handy.
- Place an old towel or newspaper on work area to prevent staining.
Perform an allergy test for 48 hours before applying.
Squeeze a small amount of Solution No.1 onto the end of the application stick and apply to the inside of your arm. Do the same with Solution No.2 and apply directly on top of solution No.1. Let stand 2 minutes and wipe clean. Close and secure packets with paper clip and place back in zip lock bag. Wait 48 hours. If no visible signs of irritation occur, proceed with tinting the eyebrows. Do not use this product if irritation is visible.
Tinting the Eyebrows
Preparing the brows
- Very Important. For best results, wash eyebrows with a mild soap and water, or use an oil free makeup remover. Let dry before tinting.
- To protect the skin from accidental staining, apply a thin coat of petroleum jelly around the eyebrow. Be careful not to get any on the eyebrows, this could inhibit coloring process.
- Remove work station card and squeeze entire contents of Solution No 1 and No 2 onto the marked circles. Do not mix.
- It is best to tint one eyebrow at a time, allowing the color to process completely before starting the second eyebrow. Using enclosed applicator stick, apply solution No 1 onto the eyebrow. Let stand for 2 minutes. Gently blot dry with a tissue before proceeding to the next step.
- Wipe applicator stick clean and apply Solution No 2 directly to the eyebrow. Let stand one minute and wipe clean with a damp tissue or cotton ball. Remove any color that may have gotten onto the skin with a damp tissue.
Helpful hint. For slightly darker, longer lasting results, reapply remaining mixture and repeat the process.
Helpful hints before you get started
- Use a lighted, magnified mirror.
- Keep a box of tissues or cotton swabs handy.
- Place an old towel or newspaper on work area to prevent staining.
Perform an allergy test for 48 hours before applying.
Squeeze a small amount of Solution No.1 onto the end of the application stick and apply to the inside of your arm. Do the same with Solution No.2 and apply directly on top of solution No.1. Let stand 2 minutes and wipe clean. Close and secure packets with paper clip and place back in zip lock bag. Wait 48 hours. If no visible signs of irritation occur, proceed with tinting the eyebrows. Do not use this product if irritation is visible.
Tinting the Eyebrows
Preparing the brows
- Very Important. For best results, wash eyebrows with a mild soap and water, or use an oil free makeup remover. Let dry before tinting.
- To protect the skin from accidental staining, apply a thin coat of petroleum jelly around the eyebrow. Be careful not to get any on the eyebrows, this could inhibit coloring process.
- Remove work station card and squeeze entire contents of Solution No 1 and No 2 onto the marked circles. Do not mix.
- It is best to tint one eyebrow at a time, allowing the color to process completely before starting the second eyebrow. Using enclosed applicator stick, apply solution No 1 onto the eyebrow. Let stand for 2 minutes. Gently blot dry with a tissue before proceeding to the next step.
- Wipe applicator stick clean and apply Solution No 2 directly to the eyebrow. Let stand one minute and wipe clean with a damp tissue or cotton ball. Remove any color that may have gotten onto the skin with a damp tissue.
Helpful hint. For slightly darker, longer lasting results, reapply remaining mixture and repeat the process.
- Great Results In Less Than 2 Minutes
- 4 Weeks of Rich, Vibrant Eyebrow Color!
- Clinically Tested
- Natural Dyes - Plant Extracts
Contents Contain: 3 Each
- 3 Each .03 fl oz. / 1 ml Cream Colorant
- 3 Each .03 fl oz. / 1 ml Gel Activator
- 1 Applicator Stick, 3 Work station cards, instruction manual.
Permanent Eyebrow Tint Kit
Godefroy Instant Eyebrow Tint is a non-toxic formula that contains no hydrogen peroxide or synthetic dyes. Formulated with plant extracts, this fast acting formula delivers rich and long lasting color for up to 4 weeks. Covers the most resistant gray hair 100%.
Helpful hints before you get started
- Use a lighted, magnified mirror.
- Keep a box of tissues or cotton swabs handy.
- Place an old towel or newspaper on work area to prevent staining.
Perform an allergy test for 48 hours before applying.
Squeeze a small amount of Solution No.1 onto the end of the application stick and apply to the inside of your arm. Do the same with Solution No.2 and apply directly on top of solution No.1. Let stand 2 minutes and wipe clean. Close and secure packets with paper clip and place back in zip lock bag. Wait 48 hours. If no visible signs of irritation occur, proceed with tinting the eyebrows. Do not use this product if irritation is visible.
Tinting the Eyebrows
Preparing the brows
- Very Important. For best results, wash eyebrows with a mild soap and water, or use an oil free makeup remover. Let dry before tinting.
- To protect the skin from accidental staining, apply a thin coat of petroleum jelly around the eyebrow. Be careful not to get any on the eyebrows, this could inhibit coloring process.
- Remove work station card and squeeze entire contents of Solution No 1 and No 2 onto the marked circles. Do not mix.
- It is best to tint one eyebrow at a time, allowing the color to process completely before starting the second eyebrow. Using enclosed applicator stick, apply solution No 1 onto the eyebrow. Let stand for 2 minutes. Gently blot dry with a tissue before proceeding to the next step.
- Wipe applicator stick clean and apply Solution No 2 directly to the eyebrow. Let stand one minute and wipe clean with a damp tissue or cotton ball. Remove any color that may have gotten onto the skin with a damp tissue.
Helpful hint. For slightly darker, longer lasting results, reapply remaining mixture and repeat the process.
Helpful hints before you get started
- Use a lighted, magnified mirror.
- Keep a box of tissues or cotton swabs handy.
- Place an old towel or newspaper on work area to prevent staining.
Perform an allergy test for 48 hours before applying.
Squeeze a small amount of Solution No.1 onto the end of the application stick and apply to the inside of your arm. Do the same with Solution No.2 and apply directly on top of solution No.1. Let stand 2 minutes and wipe clean. Close and secure packets with paper clip and place back in zip lock bag. Wait 48 hours. If no visible signs of irritation occur, proceed with tinting the eyebrows. Do not use this product if irritation is visible.
Tinting the Eyebrows
Preparing the brows
- Very Important. For best results, wash eyebrows with a mild soap and water, or use an oil free makeup remover. Let dry before tinting.
- To protect the skin from accidental staining, apply a thin coat of petroleum jelly around the eyebrow. Be careful not to get any on the eyebrows, this could inhibit coloring process.
- Remove work station card and squeeze entire contents of Solution No 1 and No 2 onto the marked circles. Do not mix.
- It is best to tint one eyebrow at a time, allowing the color to process completely before starting the second eyebrow. Using enclosed applicator stick, apply solution No 1 onto the eyebrow. Let stand for 2 minutes. Gently blot dry with a tissue before proceeding to the next step.
- Wipe applicator stick clean and apply Solution No 2 directly to the eyebrow. Let stand one minute and wipe clean with a damp tissue or cotton ball. Remove any color that may have gotten onto the skin with a damp tissue.
Helpful hint. For slightly darker, longer lasting results, reapply remaining mixture and repeat the process.
- Great Results In Less Than 2 Minutes
- 4 Weeks of Rich, Vibrant Eyebrow Color!
- Clinically Tested
- Natural Dyes - Plant Extracts
Contents Contain: 3 Each
- 3 Each .03 fl oz. / 1 ml Cream Colorant
- 3 Each .03 fl oz. / 1 ml Gel Activator
- 1 Applicator Stick, 3 Work station cards, instruction manual.
Permanent Eyebrow Tint Kit
Godefroy Instant Eyebrow Tint is a non-toxic formula that contains no hydrogen peroxide or synthetic dyes. Formulated with plant extracts, this fast acting formula delivers rich and long lasting color for up to 4 weeks. Covers the most resistant gray hair 100%.
Helpful hints before you get started
- Use a lighted, magnified mirror.
- Keep a box of tissues or cotton swabs handy.
- Place an old towel or newspaper on work area to prevent staining.
Perform an allergy test for 48 hours before applying.
Squeeze a small amount of Solution No.1 onto the end of the application stick and apply to the inside of your arm. Do the same with Solution No.2 and apply directly on top of solution No.1. Let stand 2 minutes and wipe clean. Close and secure packets with paper clip and place back in zip lock bag. Wait 48 hours. If no visible signs of irritation occur, proceed with tinting the eyebrows. Do not use this product if irritation is visible.
Tinting the Eyebrows
Preparing the brows
- Very Important. For best results, wash eyebrows with a mild soap and water, or use an oil free makeup remover. Let dry before tinting.
- To protect the skin from accidental staining, apply a thin coat of petroleum jelly around the eyebrow. Be careful not to get any on the eyebrows, this could inhibit coloring process.
- Remove work station card and squeeze entire contents of Solution No 1 and No 2 onto the marked circles. Do not mix.
- It is best to tint one eyebrow at a time, allowing the color to process completely before starting the second eyebrow. Using enclosed applicator stick, apply solution No 1 onto the eyebrow. Let stand for 2 minutes. Gently blot dry with a tissue before proceeding to the next step.
- Wipe applicator stick clean and apply Solution No 2 directly to the eyebrow. Let stand one minute and wipe clean with a damp tissue or cotton ball. Remove any color that may have gotten onto the skin with a damp tissue.
Helpful hint. For slightly darker, longer lasting results, reapply remaining mixture and repeat the process.
1) 將睫毛夾放入加熱裝置。固定好睫毛夾。
2) 將 USB 介面插入加熱裝置,連接電源。(注意:不含插座)。
3) 指示燈呈紅色時,說明加熱裝置已成功連接電源。睫毛夾加熱完畢時,指示燈將變為綠色,從加熱裝置取出睫毛夾,開始夾睫毛(加熱過程可能需要花費 2 分鐘左右)。
- 可能有助於延緩睫毛掉落速度,使睫毛保持卷翹
- 與大部分常規金屬睫毛夾適配
PermaCurl 採用了安心設計,可用于溫和加熱睫毛夾,助您打造長久卷翹睫毛。
- 用 USB 充電線連接電源充電
- 非常適合旅行
1) 將睫毛夾放入加熱裝置。固定好睫毛夾。
2) 將 USB 介面插入加熱裝置,連接電源。(注意:不含插座)。
3) 指示燈呈紅色時,說明加熱裝置已成功連接電源。睫毛夾加熱完畢時,指示燈將變為綠色,從加熱裝置取出睫毛夾,開始夾睫毛(加熱過程可能需要花費 2 分鐘左右)。
- 含活性炭、火山灰和超級減緩氧化劑巴西莓和枸杞
- 低致敏性
- 經過皮膚科專家測試
- 生態時尚技術
- 非常適合所有的皮膚類型
- 生態時尚皮膚護理
- 經過醫學測試
- 100%植物材料/無動物測試
- 來自元素的美就是街上的時尚
你的臉是你的名片——你需要這種豐富的、溫和的 潔面乳清體,並幫助淨化你的皮膚。火山灰排出並 活性炭提取雜質和解除毒素; 超級減緩氧化劑巴西莓和枸杞讓肌膚更加有生氣和滋潤。 pH平衡;推薦用於所有皮膚類型。
- 去除化妝品 + 清潔 + 清新
- 無需沖洗,無劇烈摩擦
- 臉部,雙唇,眼睛
- 所有膚質,即使是敏感基金
- 不含油脂,乙醇和香料
- 安全性經皮膚科測試
- 經眼科醫生測試
- 無致痘性 - 不會堵塞毛孔
- 優效卸妝(甚至包括防水睫毛膏)+ 清潔 + 爽滑
- 無需沖洗,無劇烈摩擦
- 臉部,雙唇,眼睛
- 所有膚質,即使是敏感基金
- 不含油脂,乙醇和香料
- 安全性經皮膚科測試
- 經眼科醫生測試
- 無致痘性 - 不會堵塞毛孔
- 卸妝 + 清潔 + 舒緩
- 所有膚質,即使是敏感基金
- 溫和度經皮膚科醫生測試
- 無香味
- 不含油
- 經眼科醫生測試
- 敏感測試
- 含木炭
- 卸妝 + 清潔油 + 控油
- 油性皮膚
- 不含防腐劑類和油脂
- 安全性經皮膚科測試
- 無致粉刺性-不會堵塞毛孔
- 敏感測試
- 經科學驗證*
- 不含油
- 可減少多年積累的陽光傷害
- 維生素 C + 辛醯水楊酸
- 抵禦氧化自由基複合物
這種快速吸收,不油膩的配方是用我們獨特的抵禦氧化自由基成分維生素 C 和 E,松樹皮精華和溫和的去角質醯水楊酸 (LHA) 的複合物開發的。它促進表皮細胞生新,以展現更有光澤,看起來更年輕的皮膚,減少黑斑的出現。
效果:在 1 周內:
- 幫助修復瑕疵,斑點和細紋
- 優化膚色,使膚色更加均勻,並提高透亮度
在 2 周內:可見的“新皮膚”效果
- 黑斑,老年斑和褪色明顯減少。
- 重新構造皮膚表層,幫助舒緩多年可見的由陽光傷害造成的結果
- 92% 的人總體滿意
- 92% 的人認為皮膚在一周內看起來更健康
這就是為什麼我們將 Garnier(卡尼爾)肌膚煥活系列設計成具有優質效力的原因,讓您每天都能享受到清新、健康的肌膚。
- 潔淨:淨化和準備接受護理的皮膚
- 呵護:每天的補水和保護劑量
- 您可以看到和感覺到效果
- 隨著時間的推移,有明顯的優化
- 輕薄,快速吸收的紋理
- 清新柔和的香味
- 安全性經皮膚科測試
- 無致痘性 - 不會堵塞毛孔
- 敏感測試
- 對皮膚溫和
潔淨:從我們的清爽+ 系列中選擇適合您膚質的潔面乳,讓皮膚做好接受護理的準備。
保濕和呵護:接著使用 SPF 30 提亮膚色抗曬日常保濕霜。
專家提示:在使用 SPF 30 提亮膚色抗曬日常保濕霜之前,一定要先塗抹膚色修復保濕淡化斑點精華。
- 在陽光暴露前 15 分鐘充分塗抹本產品
- 至少每 2 小時重新塗抹一次
- 游泳或出汗時使用防水抗曬霜
- 限制在陽光下的時間,特別是從上午10點到下午2點。
- 穿長袖上衣、褲子,戴帽子、太陽鏡。
- 6 個月以下嬰兒:謹遵醫囑。
- 全譜 SPF 15
- 抗曬霜
- 逆齡*
- 玻色因+抵禦氧化自由基杏仁
- 1.撫平皺紋
- 2.緊致皮膚
- 3.均勻膚色
- 4.深層補水
- 5.保護
5 合 1 活顏煥膚 BB 霜-逆齡*
- 94% 的人看到了更健康的光澤
- 90% 的人認為膚色更均勻
- 86% 的人看到了更光滑的皮膚
- 皮膚明顯更結實,皺紋明顯減少
這就是為什麼我們將 Garnier(卡尼爾)肌膚煥活系列設計成具有優質效力的原因,讓您每天都能享受到清新、健康的肌膚。
- 潔淨:淨化和準備接受護理的皮膚
- 呵護:每天的補水和保護劑量
- 您可以看到和感覺到效果
- 隨著時間的推移,有明顯的優化
- 輕薄,快速吸收的紋理
- 清新柔和的香味
- 安全性經皮膚科測試
- 無致痘性 - 不會堵塞毛孔
- 敏感測試
- 對皮膚溫和
- 在陽光暴露前 15 分鐘充分塗抹本產品
- 至少每 2 小時重新塗抹一次
- 游泳或出汗時使用防水抗曬霜
- 限制在陽光下的時間,特別是從上午10點到下午2點。
- 穿長袖上衣、褲子,戴帽子、太陽鏡。
- 6 個月以下嬰兒:謹遵醫囑。
潔淨:從我們的清爽+ 系列中選擇適合您膚質的潔面乳,讓皮膚做好接受護理的準備。
保濕:用 BB 霜塗抹於面部和頸部。
專家提示: 使用適合您膚質的清爽+Towelette 清潔濕巾來卸掉頑固的化妝品!
- 素食配方
- 無動物源性成分或副產品
- 99% 天然成分
- 用綠茶配製而成
- 不含防腐劑、染料、矽油、硫酸鹽
什麼是自然衍生物?我們認為一種成分是自然衍生的,它不改變其自然狀態或經過加工仍可保留其原始植物或礦物質來源的超過 50% 的分子結構。該配方由 99% 的天然衍生成分組成。其餘成分組成 1% 的配方,以確保其敏感性和保存。
- 輕柔泡沫卸妝+清潔+ 消除油光
- 沖洗即可,無需揉擦
- 臉部,雙唇,眼睛
- 適合混合至油性皮膚,甚至敏感皮膚也可使用
- 不含油脂,乙醇和香料
- 消除油光
- 安全性經皮膚科測試
- 安全性經過眼科醫生測試
- 適合角膜接觸鏡佩戴者
- 溫和的泡沫去除油脂,雜質和化妝品,使皮膚更柔軟健康
- 所有的膚質,即使是敏感肌。
- 不含硫酸鹽、油酯、皂基、乙醇、香料
- 溫和度經皮膚科醫生測試
- 安全性經皮膚科測試
- 經眼科醫生測試
- Vegan Formula - No Animal Derived Ingredients or By-Products
- 99% Naturally Derived Ingredients
- Made With Aloe Juice
- Made Without Parabens, Dyes, Silicones, Sulfates
- Suitable for Sensitive Skin
What does naturally-derived mean? We consider an ingredient to be naturally-derived if it is unchanged from its natural state or has undergone processing yet still retains greater than 50% of its molecular structure from its original plant or mineral source. This formula consists of 99% naturally-derived ingredients. The remaining ingredients constitute 1% of the formula to ensure its sensoriality and preservation.
- 溫和泡沫優效卸妝 + 潔面 + 醒膚
- 沖洗即可,無需揉擦
- 臉部,雙唇,眼睛
- 所有膚質,即使是敏感基金
- 不含油脂,乙醇和香料
- 安心性經皮膚科測試
- 安心性經眼科測試
- 適合角膜接觸鏡佩戴者
- Vegan Formula
- No Animal Derived Ingredients or By-Products
- 98% Naturally Derived Ingredients
- Made With Rose Water
- Made Without Parabens, Dyes, Silicones, Sulfates
What does naturally-derived mean? We consider an ingredient to be naturally-derived if it is unchanged from its natural state or has undergone processing yet still retains greater than 50% of its molecular structure from its original plant or mineral source. This formula consists of 98% naturally-derived ingredients. The remaining ingredients constitute 2% of the formula to ensure its sensoriality and preservation.
Bentonite clay.
- 未受輻照
- 符合猶太戒律
前沿膨潤土粉,也被稱為蒙脫石粘土,是一種非常有效的癒合粘土。膨潤土可外用作粘土膏藥、泥土包或在浴缸和護膚配方中使用。 它極細,擁有天鵝絨般的感覺,無臭無色。
Bentonite clay.
French green clay.
- 未受輻照
- 符合猶太教規
極好的水療中心會採用的法國綠色泥粉。 包含的微分子,吸收力強於其他的泥。 用作面膜和草本體包均極佳。 吸收污垢、油脂和細菌,同時溫和地清潔毛孔。
French green clay.
- 大量塗抹于清潔乾燥的皮膚上。
- 按圓周運動輕輕按摩,滾動、提升並清除死皮細胞。
- 用水沖洗乾淨。
- 溫和去皮
含有葡萄柚萃取物、維生素、AHA + BHA的可清洗型溫和去角質啫喱,可促進 清澈、平滑和明亮的皮膚。
- 大量塗抹于清潔乾燥的皮膚上。
- 按圓周運動輕輕按摩,滾動、提升並清除死皮細胞。
- 用水沖洗乾淨。
- 美化+抗皺紋
高度濃縮的眼霜膠囊含 50% 的牛奶蛋白提取物,幫助優化眼睛周圍的皺紋,讓肌膚水潤有光彩。
Apply cleansing foam on your hand and rub your hands to make ample foam, then after thoroughly massage your face, wash it off.
Tip - You can make ample foam with small quantity of cleansing foam.
- 清潔
- 豐富的攪打泡沫可去除化妝品和廢物
- 不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、苯氧乙醇添加劑
- 含有透明質酸和神經醯胺,洗淨後可保持水分
- 光滑濕潤
- 牛奶蛋白谷胱甘肽
- 保濕神經醯胺透明質酸
- 天然 AHA、BHA
含有天然 AHA、BHA成分,可以溫和地護理死皮細胞,使化妝更容易!
它含有 9 種舒緩和保濕成分,可以很好地呵護我們的肌膚。不含對羥基苯甲酸酯和苯氧乙醇。
- 像質地柔軟的攪打奶油
- 即使少量也可以製造細膩充足的泡沫!
酵母菌發酵產物濾液 +
- 天然 AHA
- 天然 BHA
含 AHA 和 BHA 成分
部分 | AHA(α-羥基酸) | BHA(α-羥基酸) |
屬性 | 水溶性 | 脂肪溶解度 |
效果 | 去除死皮細胞,保濕,優化皺紋和淡化斑點護理 | 去除死皮細胞,去除皮脂,舒緩效果,抵禦炎性反應 |
對比 | 去除死皮細胞 AHA> BHA |
攪打泡沫中的 G9SKIN White 同時含有 AHA 和 BHA,可呵護內部和外部肌膚!
Apply cleansing foam on your hand and rub your hands to make ample foam, then after thoroughly massage your face, wash it off.
Tip - You can make ample foam with small quantity of cleansing foam.